Kv Jungfrun wins the Östergötland Architecture Prize 2024!
We are so happy to have worked on this incredible building and to see it recognized with this award! A big thank you to Sveriges Arkitekter Östergötland for the nomination and to Mannersons Fastigheter AB, Sefab, and Domfors Kulturmiljö for a great collaboration!Read more about the award here and about the project here!

Sergelhuset is featured in the book Återbrukspraktika, which is released today! We are very happy to have shared our experience with Sergelhuset, where structure and stone have been reused. Many thanks to the authors Martina Strand Nyhlin and Johanna Åfreds, and to Vasakronan for a valuable collaboration!

Hagastaden Östra has been approved!
We are delighted to have contributed to the development of Hagastaden with a care home, together with Micasa Fastigheter and Karavan Landskap. The building frames the new Tullhusplatsen and connects to the planned vibrant public environment along the extension of Norrtullsgatan. We look forward to continuing our collaboration!
Read more about the urban development here.

Just nu söker vi inredningsarkitekter till vårt team!
Inredningsarkitekt SIR*, seniorhandläggare
Gestaltningsstark, gärna med erfarenhet av återbruk och revitprojektering.
Inredningsarkitekt SIR*, medverkande
Gestaltningsstark med 1-3 års arbetserfarenhet från arkitektkontor.
Ansökan med CV och portfölj (max 5mb) mailas till jobba@marge.se
*ansökan om SIR ska vara påbörjad d

Our research report proposing future uses for Ulricehamn’s wastewater treatment plant is now published on ArkDes!
Through VERKET, a practice-based research project based in Ulricehamn, our interdisciplinary team has explored how existing structures can be repurposed to strengthen both biodiversity and the local community—while also raising important questions about how we value our post-industrial building heritage. Thank you for this collaboration, TREDJE NATUR, Lone-Pia Bach, AKT II, ArkDes and Ulricehamn Municipality. Read the report here.

Varvsstaden is nominated for Planpriset 2024!
We are very happy that the jury has recognized Varvsstaden and Malmö stad as one of four nominated projects for Sveriges Arkitekter's award for outstanding planning work. On behalf of Varvsstaden, we have had the honor of being involved in the process, contributing to both the masterplan and the detailed development plans. We are proud to be part of a process that has maintained such a high level of ambition. Read more about the nomination here. Photo Björn Forsberg.

Learn more about Uppsala City Library Children's Department on Inredningsarkitektur! In the article, we share more about how we have designed a flexible and inclusive space for learning and play, integrating sustainable solutions through the reuse of furniture and materials.

Kv Jungfrun on SVT, where we, together with conservation specialist Hanna Domfors, have worked on the transformation of a culturally significant building – from a grainary to an office. Watch the video here.

Hemma hos Marge - VRIDAVÄNDAVIRVLAVÄVA! Yesterday, we had the honor of welcoming Gunilla Klingberg to our lecture series Hemma hos Marge. As an artist with several acclaimed works in the public realm, she gave an inspiring lecture, sharing insights into her artistic process and how her works are rooted in the history and context of a place. The evening continued with a dialogue alongside Magdalena Malm, art curator and former director of Statens konstråd. Thank you to all our friends and collaborators who joined us to listen and share the evening with us.

Nyckelviksskolan has been nominated for ArchDaily’s Building of the Year 2025 in the ‘Educational Architecture’ category. Vote for your favorite here.

Will we see you at the Stockholm Furniture Fair on Friday? In a panel talk organized by Tidskriften Arkitektur, Louise Masreliez, along with other invited architects, will discuss how both older and younger architectural history shape their current work. She will also share more about Nyckelviksskolan, which was featured in the magazine last year. More info here.

Competition win! We are delighted to share that our proposal ‘Uti vår hage’ has been selected as the winner for Ulricehamn’s new cultural center. Thank you to our team Tredje Natur and Tyrens for a great collaboration that we look forward to continuing. And thank you to Ulricehamns kommun, T3 Group and Sveriges Arkitekter.

Inauguration of Pilhamns Gårdar Care Home! The design is inspired by the surrounding cultural environment, with its characteristic red gable motifs and panel architecture. For both well-being and sustainability, wood is used in the facades, structure, and interior finishes. More information and photographs coming later this spring. Thank youVärmdö kommun, Seniorgården, JM, Malmegårds Fastigheter och Bräcke Diakoni.

A new year, and we're back! Here are 12 highlights from the past year, and we look forward to another exciting and insightful year ahead!

Kv Jungfrun is nominated for 'Östergötland Arkitekturpris 2024'! The jury's motivation: "Jungfrun has a long history in Norrköping’s inner harbor. With the area’s renewal, the building has now been elegantly transformed into office spaces. The exterior is beautifully preserved, and the additions have been sensitively executed. The interior, with its limited palette of colors and truth to materials, creates a calming atmosphere.
Thank you to Mannersons Fastigheter, SEFAB and Domfors Kulturmiljö for the collaboration.
Photo Johan Fowelin

Our lecture series ’Hemma hos Marge’ has started again! Last week, we had the honor of welcoming Hanne Birk, utvecklingschef at Varvsstaden, who shared inspiring insights, experiences and practical tools on the theme.

Marge on tour 2024! Visiting projects Nyckelviksskolan and Spritmuseum with the office to learn more from our collegues!

Nyckelviksskolan in the latest issue of Tidskriften Arkitektur. Thank you!

Vi har haft äran att rita utställningsarkitekturen till 'Money On The Wall: Andy Warhol' på Spritmuseum! Passa på att uppleva konsten mellan Okt 2024 - April 2025. Läs gärna mer här.

Would you like to know more about the artwork Virvelvind integrated in the facade of the Pavilion? Take the opportunity to visit Skissernas Museum, where Gunilla Klingberg's latest artistic works are presented in the exhibition Vridavändavirvlaväva, running from October 24 2023 to April 20 2025. Read more about the exhibition here. Photos of Gunilla Klingberg with molds and from the construction process: Sanna Lindberg

Blomsterängen is one of three nominees for 'Årets Fasad 2024' in the new construction category! Thank you to Mur & Putsföretagen for the nomination. Feel free to read more about the projects here.

We are proud to announce that our team has been selected for the research project VERKET! VERKET is a practice-oriented research project in collaboration between ArkDes and Ulricehamn kommun, where we will explore how to make use of seemingly outdated industrial architecture through innovative design. Read more here. Photo Emelie Asplund.

Want to learn more about our research project 'Designed Qualities in Care Homes'? Arkus invites to a digital presentation where we will share insights and results from our work, together with Land Arkitektur and an extended research group that is part of a larger study. You are welcome to sign up and join the conversation next Tuesday! More information here.

Blomsterängen has been longlisted for the Dezeen Awards 2024 in the category "health and wellbeing”!
“The care home is designed to create a sense of home that is more similar to a private residence than an institutional environment. A series of courtyards create intimate outdoor spaces that complement the park-like gardens, where apartments and common rooms look out onto the courtyards and residents can enjoy the change of seasons, both indoors and outdoors. This project also considers a qualitative and inclusive design for the residents' varying health conditions.” More information here.

Work in progress! Carpets with specially designed patterns for DOSPACE in Kv Jungfrun, Norrköping. Together with Ege Carpets.

Our proposal "Utsikt/Insikt" in an invited competition for a new pump station in Nyhamnen, Malmö.

New photos of Blomsterängen care home - thank you Johan Fowelin!
On behalf of Länsgården fastigheter & Byggtema. Together with Land Arkitektur.

Now we are checking out for some vacation and wish you all a lovely summer! See you soon again!

We have the honor of working on the interior of Universitetshuset in Lund, designed by Helgo Zetterwall in 1882. We look forward contributing to this beautiful university in collaboration with Lunds universitet.

Marge Färdplan 2030! We are happy to announce that our Färdplan 2030 will soon be available on our website! We have developed it over the past year with RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, funded by Tillväxtverket and Europeiska Regionala Utvecklingsfonden. #margefärdplan2030

Kungsparken Care Home has received a Special Mention in Architizer A+Awards, category Hospitals and Healthcare Centers. We are happy! Learn more about the project and the nomination here.

Common areas are crucial for people with dementia! Linda Björn, Susanne Ramel, and Alf Orvesten share their insights in the latest issue of Tidskriften Arkitektur. Read the debate article here.

Skellefteå resecentrum! Our competition proposal ’Välkommen hem’ together with Urban Minds, Land Arkitektur and Tyréns. Learn more about our proposal here.

Kv Jublet in Kalmar is nominated for 'Allmännyttans bästa bygge 2024'! Read more about the nominees here.

Therefore, Stockholm Central needs to be developed! Jernhusen and Trafikverket have created a film that tells more about the background of why a development of Stockholm Central Station is necessary to meet the needs of the future. Watch the video here.

Extension building with a light veranda character! Thank you Johan Fowelin for beautiful photographs. Learn more about the project here.

Site visit! Kv Jungfrun, a cultural-historical building in Norrköping, is currently undergoing an exciting refurbishment and transformation. From ganary to office and co-work. Exciting to see the project take shape!

Our competition proposal for Luna in Södertälje! Thank you Karavan Landskapsarkitekter, TAM Group & PZ Konstruktion for a great collaboration. Congratulations on winning the competition, C.F. Møller. Best of luck as you continue to develop the Luna District.

Sign up for the lunch seminar today about Guldstolen here! We will tell more about our project Kvarter Jakob Mindre which is one of the nominees this year. Photo Jäger Arén.

In a report on P4 Örebro, we share more about our new proposal for the Kornboden block in Örebro. Architecturally, the building aims to serve as a link to the former 1850s structure that has burned down, while also concluding the neighborhood within the scale permitted by the current city plan from 1884. Listen [here].

"Designing architecture and living environments that give back to the place!"
Last week, ArkDes released the report 'Sustainability, quality, and economics' as part of the annual follow-up of Politik för Gestaltad Livsmiljö. We are very happy to be part of this ambitious report. Read it here.

Hantverkshuset in Nacka is now out for public consultation! A residential project on behalf of Genova and together with Land Arkitektur. Learn more here.

Kv Flustret in Uppsala is now in public consultation! Today, you can also find Katarina Grundsell, Louise Masreliez, and Linda Björn at #Fastighetsmarknadsdagen in Uppsala if you want to learn more about the project.

Lunch lecture at the office! Thanks to Erik Stenberg for an informative and exciting presentation on 'Flexible Buildings and Concrete Reuse.'

Kungsparken care home is nominated for 'Årets Bygge 2024'! The detailing of the facade pattern draws inspiration from the characteristic brick and plaster facade of the neighbouring building, Skofabriken/the Shoe Factory. Together with Länsgården Fastigheter, OBK Sverige and SP Landskapsbyrå. See all nominees here.

New year and a new group photo! We are back and look forward to a year of exciting projects and collaborations. #teammarge

To add architecture. Interview with Pye Aurell Ehrström about Marge Arkitekter and H-building in the latest issue of magazine Lera!

Västerås City Library (Children’s Department) is nominated for the ’Architecture Prize in Västmanland 2024’! From the jury motivation: ”With inspiration from the building’s history, the interior designers have decorated the children’s department with textiles, materials, color scheme and site-built furniture and created a magical fairytale forest that awakens a desire to read and stimulates the imagination of both young and old. An accessible and welcoming environment – well worth an architecture award.” Read more here.

Föreläsning på Konstakademien genom Stockholms Arkitektförening imorgon 7/12. Tema: Arkitektonisk verkshöjd i det brukarnära! Louise Masreliez, Susanne Ramel och Linda Björn kommer prata mer om Marges arbetsmetod och ställningstagande kopplat till det brukarnära. Som exempel presenteras vård- och omsorgsboendeprojekt i Örebro län, förskolan Kvarnkullen och nyligen färdigställda Nyckelviksskolans tillbyggnad på Lidingö.

Site model making in the office! Project Kv Flustret on behalf of Jolin Fastigheter.

Don't miss tomorrow's talk about the aesthetics of re-use and the post-industrial heritage. Through Sveriges Arkitekter Skåne, we look forward to give a perspective on the subject with Hanne Birk from Varvsstaden and explore the opportunities and difficulties we have faced in the project 'Lund University's Art Campus' within the topic. No pre-registration required - welcome! More info here.

Kungsparken care home won Vårdbyggnadspriset 2023 in the category 'Room for care'. We are so happy and proud. Many thanks to Forum Vårdbyggnad. Many thanks to Länsgården fastigheter, Kumla kommun, SP Landskapsarkitekter och OBK Sverige for a good collaboration.

Green Roof Park with a View of Stockholm! The project we have designed together with Karavan Landskapsarkitekter is completed. Thank you Johan Fowelin for beautiful photos. Read more about the project here.

Kungsparken is a finalist in Vårdbyggnadspriset 2023! The nominee has an exciting situation plan and fantastic empathy with high ambitions from the client, architect and operator. The site calls for a expressive but clear building and it has got that, with beautiful materials that interacts with the adjacent shoe factory; the brick's masonry pattern and decor take inspiration from slippers made in the factory. The same pattern is taken up in the details of the interior with great care and consistency. The apartments are functional with views and in Kungsparken there is closeness to community, privacy and the opportunity to stay outdoors. An accommodation that is well thought out from the first detail to the last solution." Read more here.

New images of Kv Jublet - housing with a local touch in Kalmar!
Learn more about the project here.
Thank you Johan Fowelin for the photograps! On behalf of Grenåli-Gruppen.

Susanne on the latest episode of the podcast Architecture Talks!
Listen to the episode here.

Marge på studieresa!
Vi började med att besöka två av våra nyligen färdigställda vård- och omsorgsboenden i Hallsberg och Kumla. Sedan fortsatte vi mot ett soligt Oslo och såg många fina byggnader och ombyggnadsprojekt, vackra skulpturer, en opera och mycket annat inspirerande.

Projects Wåhlin and Deas are both nominated for 'Sveriges Snyggaste Kontor'. Vote on your favourite here. On behalf of Wåhlin Advokater och Deas Asset Management. Photo Johan Fowelin.

This weekend it is time for the architecture festival which offers guided tours of buildings and places in Stockholm. Together with Vasakronan and Nyckelviksskolan, we will tell you more about the projects Sergelpaviljongen and the recently completed extension building to Nyckelviksskolan. More info here.

Sergelhuset has been longlisted for the @dezeen awards 2023 in the category “mixed-use projects”.
"In our proposal to redesign the complex, we emphasize visual connectivity and a differentiated program, a mix of housing, retail, restaurants and offices, in an effort to turn today's anonymous Malmskillnadsgatan into an inviting street for the city's residents and visitors."
More info through here.

September sun in our office!

From Arkitekturdagen 2023 with Kattis and Erik! Watch the whole lecture about Varvsstaden, "the post-industrial heritage" and re-use here.

New interiors for DEAS! The 300 m² DEAS offices are located in the third high rise building Hötorgsskrapan designed by Sven Markelius. The carpets’ specially designed pattern reflects the facades of the adjacent skyscraper with a lively grid pattern of various, intertwined colors. Learn more about the project here. Photo Johan Fowelin.

Arkitekurdagen 2023 will take place in Malmö at Form/Design Center next Tuesday 5/9. Katarina and Erik, who lead the architectural work on the new campus in Varvsstaden will be present to discuss more about the topic "post-industrial heritage." This year's program here.
Hope to see you there. Photo Hedda Rabe.

How is the designed environment in care homes used and experienced in relation to the architects original intentions? We are very happy that we can delve into this question among other relevant ones, because we have been granted research funds from ARQ forskning. Above recent images of our project ’the Gardens care home’ which was completed in 2018.
Learn more about our projects the Pavilion, Naturum Trollskogen, Strömkajen and Hjorthägn!
As part of the installation ’Arbete Pågår’ at Arkdes, co-founders Katarina and Pye tell more about the architectural process behind the projects - with the physical model as an important tool. The exhibition is open until 27th of August. Have a visit! Production ArkDes och Ferhango Film & Arts

We came back to the office and our material library looked like this!

Villa Hedberg featured the book Inside Nordic Homes - Inspiring Scandinavian Living! What an honour! Now we are checking out for some vacation and wish you all a lovely summer. Thank you to all collegues, clients and collaborators for an exciting spring. We will see you soon again!
Site visit with the office! Our refurbishment and transformation project of Kv Jakob Mindre, a blue- and green-classified building next to Gustav Adolfs Torg, will soon be completed! Always exciting and stimulating to visit a project that so many of us have worked on. More information about the project is coming soon, stay tuned! On behalf of Axfast.

It is very gratifying for us to read about how the Pavilion has been highlighted in Sveriges Arkitekter's post here. We are very proud and happy that our original intentions and visions with the project have been noticed in this way.

We have been granted research funding from Arkus! The designed living environment in care homes has always been of great interest to us. We are very excited and find it important that we now have the opportunity to develop the concept of quality within these environments from an architectural perspective, in collaboration with Lena Rosenberg (Professor of Occupational Therapy, Jönköping University) and other healthcare researchers.

Join us at Arkdes this Sunday! Between 1-2pm, Pye Aurell Ehrström and Katarina Grundsell will lead a tour where they share the process behind the Strömkajen terminal buildings - from idea and model to finished structure. The tour starts in the exhibition hall at Boxen and continues with a walk in the sun down to the completed terminal buildings. At the same time, the museum's new installation "Arbete Pågår" shows some of our other projects, such as Sergelpaviljongen, Naturum Trollskogen and Hjorthägn. We hope to see you there!
More information about the tour and installation here.

New images of Kv Flustret!
In 2013, we won the competition to design a new hotel destination in the area between Svandammen and Stadsträdgården in Uppsala - together with Karavan Landskap. A key idea was to create a new safe entrance to the city park.
On behalf of Magnus Björkegren and Jolinfastigheter
Images in collaboration with Visulent

Återbrukade offsetplåtar blir fasadmaterial i Vegastadens kvarter 7!
Tidigt i processen inleddes ett samarbete med Stena Recycling för att hitta möjligheter att återanvända något av de material de hanterar. Vi ville undersöka om vi kunde skapa något nytt av en metallprodukt som tagit slut och bedömts som skrot. Det mynnade ut i att delar av fasaden består av återbrukade offset-plåtar, aluminiumplåtar som använts för att trycka tidningar och reklam. De delar av fasaden som inte är av återbrukad plåt består av återvunnen blank aluminiumplåt och för att väva ihop dessa får plåtarna samma sinusformade yta. Trycket på offsetplåtarna, i nyanser som rör sig mellan rött och blått, ligger kvar på plåten och blir en tydlig visuell berättelse om dess förgångna och intentionen om en mer hållbar hantering av jordens resurser. Ovan bild från projektgruppens platsbesök!
Läs gärna mer om projektet i denna artikel eller på vår hemsida här.
På uppdrag av Stena Fastigheter. I samarbete med Stena Recycling AB och plåtkonsult Stefan Lardner

Kv Drevkarlen 9 is nominated for Årets Stockholmsbyggnad / Stockholm's Building of the Year! That our refurbishment project has been noticed by the jury makes us both very happy and proud. Feel free to vote for the project here.
"En robust och flexibel byggnad som visar på möjligheten att återanvända byggnader över tid. Med små medel har äldreboendet fått tillbaka sitt ursprungliga yttre samtidigt som närmiljön utomhus har utvecklat. Ett bra exempel på hur renovering av byggnader kan bidra med utvecklade funktioner som alternativ till rivningar och nyproduktion."

Kv Drevkarlen is nominated for ROT-priset 2023 and we are really proud that the project is competing for the prize of Stockholm's best refurbishment. Thank you to Stockholms Byggmästarförening. Read more about the nominees here.
On behalf of Micasa Fastigheter and Byggpartner.

Full spead ahead in project Varvsstaden! Above one of our early vision sketches. Learn more about the project and see more vision sketches here.

New images of Västerås City Library - Children's Department!
Above you see bespoke joinery with crawl-in for play and curved bookshelves that create room formations in the library. Material choices have included boards made from recycled waste, solid cork and plywood. More about the project here.
Photo Johan Fowelin. On behalf of Västerås stad.

Hemma hos Marge / At Marge!
We are really happy to be able to hold an inspiring series of lectures in our office this year. Thanks to Dan Hallemar and Veronica Hejdelind, who lectured on their study of "gemensamhetslokaler" - Dela Rum. Also big thanks to everyone who came to listen.

We are happy to announce that we will design a new school in Lövsta together with Wi Landskap. Lovely project start with sun and snow! On behalf of Östersunds kommun.

On site visiting Nyckelviksskolan! The extension building which we have designed will primarily house the ceramic and sculpture workshops. Here you can see the visible wooden beams in the ceiling.

Interview with co-founder Susanne Ramel about current trends in Swedish architecture, Marge Arkitekter and project Centralstaden. Thank you Architektur Aktuell!

A conceptual sketch of our new office space.
We are so looking forward to officially move into our new office space very soon! In the meantime - a picture from the process.

Bye Repslagargatan! Next year you will find us att Kungsholmstorg 16. See you there!

"Villa Hedberg combines privacy, security and Swedish summer fun."
Thank you Riba Journal for the article!

We are so happy that Gullvivan Trapphus is nominated for Örebro's Byggnadspris 2022! Read more about the nominees here. Photo Johan Fowelin.

Smedsgården Care Home in the latest issue of Tidskriften Arkitektur.

We feel honoured to draw the interior in the entrance to Sveriges Museum om Förintelsen (the Swedish Museum of The Holocaust). Read more about the museum here.

Marge ♡ Interior
We have always liked to work with the smaller scale and close to the materials. Here are a couple of our interior projects through the years.