Marge Arkitekter

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Site design by Research and Development.
Developed by Systems Studio.


Duvbo School

Refurbishment of and a new building for a school in Duvbo

The Duvbo School is situated in central Duvbo, a site that was designated in 1988 as a national heritage site for the preservation of cultural history in Sweden. Duvbo is home to an early private housing movement in Sweden and the unique townscape of church and school surrounded by neighborhood villas that are set in a special topographic landscape that the national interest aims to protect. On the property kv. Gladan 1 there are two culturally beloved school buildings, Building A, built in 1905, and Building B in 1901. Adjacent to the site lies a church building in the gothic style. During the day the school hosts around 260 kids adjusted to the existing environment and a temporary pavilion which is to be replaced during the refurbishment. The planned construction also incorporates an F-6 School for 420 school children. The first stage of the work is focused on bringing the plans to a point where a new zoning plan can be approved for the area so that construction can follow directly thereafter. The new building in brick will host 4-6 graders and serve as a venue for local music, a dining hall and a library which is meant to also serve church activities.

Project: Duvbo School Year: 2012 Area: 4300 m2 Type: Rebuild and new-build of school Scope: Preparation and brief to developed design, as well as basis for development plan Location: Sundbyberg Client: The HUD Office and Envirmental Management, Municipailty of Sundbyberg Landscape: LAND Arkitektur